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All 2016 Music (a-z)

LandEscapes Mixtape

The artists on this album are contributors to the first LandEscapes Mixtape. All of the tracks were created, produced, and put together by the respective artist(s). Some of the tracks have samples and influences from mainstream artists, all of the tracks are inspired by the daily lives of students, poets, and creators. This Mixtape is a testimony to their hard work and dedication to music, love, and enlightenment.

Editor’s Choice

Untitled Song by Audrey Hamill

[Verse 1]
I thought the world was,
Spinning around you,
Until I found,
The sun

[Verse 2]
I don’t know where you were,
Hiding the sunshine,
But it wasn’t,
In my state of mind

[Verse 3]
I found the light,
And it wasn’t in your eyes,
I found the light,
And I’m calling it mine

This little light of mine,
I’m gonna let it shine,
I think it’s about,
Goddamned time

About Audrey Hamill

Audrey Hamill is a junior here at Washington State University majoring in Elementary Education. My goal is to teach the fourth grade which is coincidentally the year that I began writing lyrics.