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When They Speak by Haley Benningfield

The smoke that leads to sweating meat
wisps in air’s promise.

Men hiss at red hands, dusted in hexagon
clay, a mosaic around their knees.

Your swollen eyes, shiny, look up
watching prayers disappear with breath.

Dust and smoke twirl with them curving
toward the sun like brittle husks.

The shadows of men ghost, flickering
back, forth, along the mounds of graves.

Apple bellies sing to the valley’s ears
your lips stung by the pit of rust

devouring black ash in praise.
One day smoke will touch the sky.

About the Author

Haley Benningfield is a senior at Washington State University working towards a BA in professional writing and rhetoric as well as a professional certificate in editing and publishing. Haley is also an intern at Blood Orange Review where she edits and reads submissions, and is an RSO of the English Club where she heads projects such as a children’s book competition. She loves to read with a specific interest in young adult fantasy fiction and nonfiction novels. Born and raised in Tacoma, WA, she would love to get out and travel one day.