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The Colors of My Heart

by Jobana Leon

the colors of my heart jobana leon

Photo of Jobana Leon

About the Author

My name is Jobana Leon and I am a biology major with a minor in human development. My current plans include becoming a physician assistant, which is not related to painting in the slightest, but I find joy in that. I have always felt like so many people in my major had this ‘science gene’ that I was never lucky enough to have. Despite this, I proved to myself that I could do anything as long as I am willing to work hard for it. Pursuing a career in healthcare is extremely competitive, but it is those special interactions I’ve had with patients working as a CNA that has motivated me to keep going. So why is it that I paint? It has always been a part of who I am. There is nothing more liberating than getting to express how you feel without having to say anything at all. Despite having completely unrelated career goals, I have always made sure to never let this part of myself go.